Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Effects of Commercials on Adolescents

For one of my licensure classes this semester, I have been asked to write a quick reflection about the many effects that advertisers, especially those who publicize their products on television, have on the current society, especially for middle school students. At first, I couldn't think of anything that shows on TV that my middle schoolers would be affected by. However, one particular ad came to mind and I was off. Just thinking about the ad infuriates me and seeing this shower gel in my shower at home (which is used by my brother), bothers me even more. As touchy as my reflection may be, it is completely true. For those of you who might get offended, please understand that this was a required assignment for a class. This is my personal opinion and am not deserving of an ridicule from the public eye. To view the entire commercial, click here.

The following is a small excerpt from my paper that I am submitting. Enjoy!

...While observing TV advertisements, one ad comes to mind that is so inappropriate that I am even shocked, but not totally surprised, that it’s on the air. This is a commercial developed by AXE, the company that is responsible for formulating the men’s body wash that has gotten much publicity throughout the years. Though previous ads have held some humor, the most recent ad that was aired earlier this year has been the source of many discussions about morality in our culture.

This most recent commercial deals with athletes complaining about how dirty their “balls” are (in this context, balls were referred to the ball equipment that are used in various sports). However, because this ad is trying to appeal the male society, the term “balls” can be looked at another way. After seeing the commercial, I was disgusted. Not only is the advertisement trying to show that it’s ok for men to strut their stuff in a public manor, it’s going against the values that society holds over the heads of women. I am sure if a company that develops body wash for women came out with an ad that hinted around that fact that women wanted their you-know-what to smell better that the public would be horrified. However, because men still view themselves as the dominant species amongst our culture, the TV companies are going to have no problem posting such commercials on the air for all public viewers, especially the overly hormonal middle school boys who have the special ability to think about the most perverted sayings for every comment made.

Overall, I was very disappointed to see this commercial air on television. This is just another step forward to influence young viewers that it is ok to act out of line, even though the behavior is not completely straightforward. Furthermore, sales are going to spike, not only because a man has run out of soap, but because young teenage boys think they will attract more female pursuers who are only after them because the AXE wash has helped their genital areas smell better...

-Reflection by Katie Castrovinci
ELC 381: The Institution of Education

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today Was THE Day

So, today was THE day. THE day I have been planning for about a week. THE day that consumed my life as I designed lesson plans and activities. This was THE day when I would I have my first observation from my OSTE (On Site Teacher Expert). My OSTE, who is otherwise known as my students' real teacher, has been prepping me for a few weeks for today's class. From passing out papers and grading tests, to teaching the kids how to perform a lab, I have been dreading today...THE DAY! And at 8:30 AM this morning, THE day began.

I was evaluated by my mentor during my entire lesson that I taught for 2 periods. My lesson was about the global changes in the atmosphere, and I informed the students about Global Warming, the Greenhouse effect, and the total effects of UV radiation. During the lesson, I pulled out to good ol' overhead projector and use transparencies to present my notes to my students. To have them follow along, I left blanks in their notes so that they had to follow along and fill in the words as we worked together. After the lesson, I played a review game with the students to see how well they were listening, as well as to see how efficiently I gave the information.

After the two classes ended, I finally sat down with my OSTE to see how well I performed today's task. Going over the notes, Mrs. Felix gave me a... 3 out of 4 :)

Looking through her notes, I saw the comments that retained my strengths as a teacher. Seeing these phrases and descriptions gave me complete hope that I am actually doing the right thing in my life. One comment that stuck out: "You're a natural!" Man, did that put a smile on my face :D

Looking back and seeing how I prepared for THE day, I don't regret anything. Though there are a few changes I would tweak for next time, this entire experience was rewarding and inspiring. Most of all, my students were learning from my lesson that I taught... and that's all that matters.

-Ms. C

Note: The activity that I did with my students at the end was derived from this website. For those of you who are interested in cool science gadgets, check out what I ordered online for my students.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ms. "C"

A new blog has been long past due. I haven't written since close to the beginning of the semester and right now, I am half way through and getting ready to sign up for Spring 2011's classes. How quickly these past 8 weeks have gone by, but not quick enough. I am constantly on my computer, hacking away at the keys as I come up with yet another paper, assignment, or lesson plan that needs to submitted to the authorities above who are out for my head :)

After Labor Day, I was assigned to start interning at Mendenhall Middle School. Every Monday and Wednesday morning, I arrive promptly at 7:30 AM (*at least, I try arrive on time*), and prepare myself before meeting my first class full of 30, vibrant 7th graders. This semester, I am teaching science and have earned the nickname Ms. "C." As much as I was looking forward to hearing students call me by my entire last name, this title will have to do.

Overall, the experience has been overwhelming. I am teaching two classes that contain opposite personalities and statuses, so it feels like I am teaching two completely different subjects. The students, however, are fun and are somewhat patient with me as I continue to learn (and pronounce) their names. These students have taught me to step away from my safe zone and have allowed me to open up. As obnoxious and out of control they may be sometimes, I still look forward to seeing them every morning and have even gotten to the point where I miss them on weekends. Even more exciting, I haven't had major problems with the kids and am slowly starting to adapt to their needs for learning...

Well, here I am... rambling away and I still have so much to do. Tomorrow I am teaching the entire two classes about global changes in the atmosphere and am developing an activity to go along with it. On top of what I am already doing tomorrow, I am being observed by the students' real teacher for a grade. This should be fun :/

Enjoy your evening, my fellow readers. And as I tell my students at the end of the day: "Make good decisions... or I'll hunt you down"

-Ms. C

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