Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ms. "C"

A new blog has been long past due. I haven't written since close to the beginning of the semester and right now, I am half way through and getting ready to sign up for Spring 2011's classes. How quickly these past 8 weeks have gone by, but not quick enough. I am constantly on my computer, hacking away at the keys as I come up with yet another paper, assignment, or lesson plan that needs to submitted to the authorities above who are out for my head :)

After Labor Day, I was assigned to start interning at Mendenhall Middle School. Every Monday and Wednesday morning, I arrive promptly at 7:30 AM (*at least, I try arrive on time*), and prepare myself before meeting my first class full of 30, vibrant 7th graders. This semester, I am teaching science and have earned the nickname Ms. "C." As much as I was looking forward to hearing students call me by my entire last name, this title will have to do.

Overall, the experience has been overwhelming. I am teaching two classes that contain opposite personalities and statuses, so it feels like I am teaching two completely different subjects. The students, however, are fun and are somewhat patient with me as I continue to learn (and pronounce) their names. These students have taught me to step away from my safe zone and have allowed me to open up. As obnoxious and out of control they may be sometimes, I still look forward to seeing them every morning and have even gotten to the point where I miss them on weekends. Even more exciting, I haven't had major problems with the kids and am slowly starting to adapt to their needs for learning...

Well, here I am... rambling away and I still have so much to do. Tomorrow I am teaching the entire two classes about global changes in the atmosphere and am developing an activity to go along with it. On top of what I am already doing tomorrow, I am being observed by the students' real teacher for a grade. This should be fun :/

Enjoy your evening, my fellow readers. And as I tell my students at the end of the day: "Make good decisions... or I'll hunt you down"

-Ms. C

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